All patients will first undergo a consult which consists of approximately an hour of discussion so that I can get a whole picture of your current state of health. Based on the consult I will be able to appropriately diagnose and devise a treatment plan that is tailored to you which may include one or all of the following treatment methods:
Acupuncture Chinese Herbs Tui Na Massage Therapy Auricular Medicine (Ear acupressure) Cupping Moxibustion (Heat Therapy) Electrical Stimulation Traditional Chinese Medical Diet Therapy
Acupuncture: This ancient treatment method has been used by the Chinese for more than 2000 years. There are over 360 acupuncture points on our bodies. Based on your diagnosis a set of points will be selected for treatment. A fine needle is inserted and manipulated to create a therapeutic effect. Most people do not feel the needles being inserted and if they do it feels like a small pinch. The World Health Organization has listed many ailments / diseases that acupuncture can treat. You can see this list at
Some common illnesses include: headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, pain, hypertension, low immunity, and gastrointestinal problems.
Chinese Herbs:
Also discovered more than 2000 years ago, Chinese herbs are used in conjunction or by itself to treat individuals with different ailments. It is a natural and powerful treatment method. Each formula is tailored to the patient and his/her particular diagnosis in order to increase therapeutic effect and decrease possibilities for side effects. The powdered form of the herbs is taken as a tea.
Tui Na Massage Therapy:
A therapeutic massage based in the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It combines traditional grasping and kneading techniques, as well as acupressure or trigger point therapy, and stretching to create a therapeutic and relaxational effect.
Auricular Medicine (Ear acupressure):
The ear is like a map of the whole body. It can be used to diagnose and treat ailments of the body. Essentially it is reflexology via the ear. All parts of the body can be mapped out on the ear, and I use little seeds to tape onto the ear to stimulate a particular point creating a therapeutic effect in other parts of the body. It is a gentle and great alternative to acupuncture for children, seniors, or if you are not too fond of needles.
A suction is created in a glass cup with a small flame. The glass cup is then placed on the body(*The flame will not come anywhere close to the patient therefore there is no concern for burns.) The sensation of the cup on the body is comparable to a massage.Cupping is often used for tight muscles, common colds, weight loss, and heat type ailments.
Moxibustion (Heat Therapy)
A type of heat therapy. Moxa is a concentrated herb that is made into a cylinder. It is lit like an incense and is hovered over an acupoint to activate it, or over an area of body to promote healing. It feels warm and soothing.It is often used in conjunction with acupuncture.
Electro-stimulation Therapy A therapy for chronic musculo-skeletal injuries. Gentle pulses are sent through the acupuncture needles to stimulate an area of injury. Helps to induce faster healing.
Traditional Chinese Medical Diet Therapy
Nutrition based in Chinese Medicine. Based on your body type there are foods that are compatible with your body and foods that you may want to avoid. Also depending on your ailment there are foods that may calm or exacerbate symptoms. Diet therapy is a way you can help your body maintain or get back to health. For those interested in weight loss, diet therapy will be included in their treatments.